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Rihanna 'attack' recreated in film

The alleged fight between R&B singers Rihanna and her boyfriend Chris Brown has been recreated in a public service address


A US 'teen empowering group' used the police reports on the incident to recreate the whole incident and shoot a video aimed at educating and helping victims of teen dating abuse, the Sun reported in it's online edition.

The video begins with a warning about graphic images before showing a teen couple in a car acting out what's described in police notes, while a narrator reads from the actual Los Angeles Police Department affidavit based on Rihanna's description of the alleged attack.

"Mad? Do Something about it," the clip concludes, noting that one in three teens is abused in a relationship in US. The video appeals the victims of such attacks to come forward.

Meanwhile, Star Magazine , a US magazine has claimed that Rihanna fears her estranged boyfriend Chris Brown could release a sex video of the couple.

A source who approached the magazine said, "Rihanna has no issues with her sexuality. But she'd be mortified if her friends and family found this out," the source said.