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Heidi didn't compromiseon Christian beliefs

Reality TV star Heidi Montag has defended her choice to pose for Playboy magazine, saying that it in no way compromised her
Heidi Montag
Heidi Montag (AP Photo)
Christian beliefs.

Montag, 22, pointed out on Ryan Seacrest’s KIIS-FM radio show on August 18 that the shoot in no way came between her and her beliefs.

“For me personally, I feel like God created the human body, and the body is beautiful,” the Daily Telegraph quoted her as saying on the show.

“The way God created us in the beginning was naked.

“I am not ashamed of it. I’m proud of it... This was such a blessed experience,” she said.

According to the, she also pointed out that she did not bare all during the shoot.

“Always leave them asking for more,” she said.

“Next time, I’ll have more to reveal,” she added.