"I'm single, but I'm out mingling around," the actress-singer-reality star, 29, tells Ellen DeGeneres on Wednesday's "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."
Pressed to explain, Simpson says: "I mingle around very privately. I have ways in and out of my house and certain places that I go that are private just so I can have a normal life. I'm still out there and bring normal."
Having been described as "sexual napalm" by ex-boyfriend John Mayer, seeing her relationship with football's Tony Romo dissolve the night before her 29th birthday, and enduring as her now-former marriage to Nick Lachey play out before millions on national TV, Simpson may be ever-so-gun-shy about meeting anyone new.
"Do you want to date somebody out of the business now because of everything that's happened?" asks DeGeneres.
"It doesn't really matter to me," Simpson responds. "They definitely have to understand my life and what I put up with and what I deal with. Being scrutinized publicly, they can definitely make or break a relationship, and you have to have that strong foundation so I have to have somebody that understands that kind of lifestyle."
Doesn't Brush After Every Meal
On an even more personal note -- future boyfriends and dentists should stop reading here -- DeGeneres asks Simpson to address the rumor that she doesn't brush her teeth.
"Well, not all the time," Simpson admits. "Maybe three times a week."
Explaining this stunning fact, Simpson says, "Because my teeth are so white and I don't like them to feel to slippery, but I do use Listerine and I do floss everyday. But I don't brush them everyday. I'll use a shirt or something."
Capping this admission, she says, "I know it's gross, but I always have fresh breath. It's really weird but I have great breath."