A source said, “Vidya has had an amazing year with ‘The Dirty Picture’ and ‘No One Killed Jessica’. This year her first release is ‘Kahaani’ and Vidya is super excited about it as she plays a pregnant woman in the film. Post its release, Vidya will start preparing for her wedding. She is in a very good space as far as her career is concerned and her family feels that it is time that she now settles down in her personal life too. And being an obedient daughter, Vidya wants to fulfill her parents wish by tying the knot with Siddharth at the earliest.”
Vidya and Siddharth never confirmed their relationship but the duo was spotted together in various occasions,“Both Vidya and Siddharth are very fond of each other. One also hears of Vidya accompanying Kapoor on a few family functions, pretty much putting an official stamp on them as a couple. An April- May wedding is on the cards for sure," added the source.
Last year it was rumored that Vidya tied the knot with Sidhharth secretly and the couple was off for honeymoon and they were staying in a new flat in Bandra. Putting all the false rumors to rest, Vidya then clarified that she would never do such a thing.
“Cyber space went abuzz about Vidya having not just married Siddharth, but also honeymooning. However, Vidya soon cleared the rumours adding that she strongly believes in the institution of marriage and will not keep her wedding a secret or live in. And whenever she does plan to marry, everyone would be informed about it. So now that preps have begun, an announcement post the release should be expected,” said the source.
Without cooking the story much, it’s better to wait and watch whether Vidya is really tying the knot with Siddharth or it is just another juicy story.
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Vidya Balan to marry Siddharth soon
The news of Vidya Balan tying the knot with UTV head honcho Siddharth Roy Kapoor again blow up. News is doing the rounds that very soon Vidya Balan will get married to Siddharth Roy Kapoor. The actress is planning to get hitched post the release of her upcoming film, ‘Kahaani’ where she is playing the role of a pregnant woman.