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American Idol Results: Who Got the Boot?

American Idol traveled back to the 1980s last night.

But the remaining eight finalists were forced to look ahead on Thursdays results show, as America voted and revealed an unfortunate future for one contestant:

He or she is going home. Who received the bad news?

The Final 8

It appeared briefly that fan favorite Phillip Phillips might be in danger, but it came down to Elise Testone and DeAndre Brackensick in the bottom two.

The contestant getting the boot this week was ...


The audience, predictably, began chanting "Save! Save! Save! Save!" Unfortunately for the falsetto-singing teen, only one of the judges would've done so.

Jennifer broke the bad news: "This boy right here, we've been watching him for two years. You're an amazing performer. I stand by that," she told him.

However, "I only get one vote. I'm sorry ... we're not saving you tonight."

Ryan puts her on the spot, asking if J. Lo voted to save him while Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson didn't. "Yes," she replies, "that's what I'm saying."

Think she was serious? It's a good cover story if not. Every week could be a 2-1 decision against the eliminated singer. Anyway, best of luck, DeAndre.