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American Idol Results: Who is Going on Tour?

American Idol eliminated two contestants this week, first sending Jermaine Jones home last night for lying about his criminal record and then giving another finalist the axe tonight for... well, being worse than the other 10 singers.

So, who will NOT be going on tour this summer?

Following performances by Daughtry and Demi Lovato (below), the final three came down to Shannon Magrane, Erika Van Pelt and Elise Testone, with the fewest number of votes going to...

Demi Lovato American Idol Performance Pic

Shannon Magrane.

The 16-year-old went with Mariah Carey's "One Sweet Day" in an attempt to earn the judges' save, but Randy Jackson told her it was not meant to be: "Unfortunately, we're not going to use it tonight, Shannon. Thank you."