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Idol’s Siobhan Magnus: I needed to express myself visually

Idol fans!

Only five contestants remain after Siobhan Magnus was voted off the American Idol stage Wednesday night...

There was a lot of buzz over her hair and outfits (butterflies?) but did people focus too much on her style...and not enough on her substance? Well, we asked her. Find out what she said below!

And let us know what you think. We're getting close to the end!

LKL Blog: Looking back at your time on Idol, give me a sense of what you’re thinking about?

Siobhan Magnus: I’m just proud of making it this far. What an amazing experience it’s been. I’ve learned so much in such a short amount of time that it’s completely invaluable. Probably one of the best experiences I’ll have. It’s unfortunate to leave at this point; I would have loved to gone further. But you can’t look at it that way; you have to appreciate it for what it is.

The people I’ve met and the friendships I’ve made and the things I’ve learned are some of the hugest, most valuable things to me that I think might ever happen. I’m just extremely blessed to have gone through this; especially at the time in my life that I did, at this age. It’s been incredible.

LKL Blog: You mentioned the friendships – you’re all almost part of an exclusive club. As the weeks go on, and fewer contestants remain, is it more difficult to say good-bye? What was that like?

Siobhan: It gets harder every week. That’s one more week that you’ve been together every single day. We’ve become so close, sometimes we’re the only people we see throughout the week, besides the people who work on the show. And we’re the only people in the whole world, at this time, who know what we’re going through. So as much as you can talk to your friends and family about it, this group of people are the only ones who understand. You’ll say something about what happened that day and they’ll know because they did it too. You develop these bonds, just being able to talk to each other about what’s on your mind regarding the show and the process. Every morning, we’d be getting ready to go over to the studio and Big Mike [Lynche] would say, “Good morning, family!” It’s just that – we’re our own little Idol family.

LKL Blog: Your style, it came up a lot during the show, especially with the comments from the judges. Did people think or react or focus too much on the style over the substance with you? Do you think any of that overshadowed who you were as a performer?

Siobhan: I think at times it may have. Just because some nights I would get more comments from the judges about my outfit than about my singing. And I would become frustrated that I didn’t have enough to work with from them. I didn’t know what I needed to improve vocally because Simon would go off about my outfit being weird. And that was kind of a bummer that it was standing out more than my vocals. But I always looked at my performances as a package deal – I needed to express myself visually as well as with my singing.

I don’t regret any of it. I had a blast putting together my outfits.

LKL Blog: Who is your inspiration? Or what inspires you?

Siobhan: I’ve been fortunate enough to have many different inspirations in my life. I think the biggest one is my brothers and sisters because they are all so unique and amazing and intelligent and they are my best friends in the whole world.

Starting with my oldest brother, Rory, he’s always been the person that I’ve aspired to be like because he never quits. When he thinks of something that he wants to do, even if it’s a big thing, he just does it. And he doesn’t give any excuses. He’s never defeated. He just goes and does what he needs to do and it’s always amazed me. I’ve always admired and copied him. I was kind of a tomboy because I wanted to be like my brother. And I still kind of am.

I could go down the list and tell you why each of my siblings is an inspiration to me, but it’s a similar reason in that they are all so bright. They’re the best people I know.

LKL Blog: Is it tough to be separated from your family and friends and put on this platform for the number of weeks you’ve been doing it?

Siobhan: Yeah, it is tough. This is the longest I’ve ever been apart from my little sisters. At home I help take care of them a lot. So it’s been strange being separated from them and not getting to talk to them as much as I’d like. I can’t wait to see them.

LKL Blog: Looking back, did you have a favorite performance that you did? And also, next week, if you had been planning a Siobhan take on a Frank Sinatra classic?

Siobhan: I loved every performance for its own reasons. For what it was and what it meant to me. One of my favorites was definitely when I sang “Paint it Black” because that week was just so much fun. It was the first week on the big stage, it was my birthday that week and how it all came together – I just had so much fun with the arrangement and when I got to put together my outfit – it was so me, everything about it. I was so excited to be able to show that to people and to have so much fun with it. It was very dramatic. And when they told me it was theatrical, it wasn’t a bad thing – even though later on, me being theatrical was a bad thing in the eyes of the judges. I just loved everything about that one.

As for next week, I was really excited because I love big band music. I love Frank Sinatra. I was playing with the idea of singing “My Way” because of all the hullabaloo that was caused about me being different and dressing crazy, things like that. I think the message of that song, besides the part about it being the end and everything – just to be able to say I did this my way.

And it’s my grandfather’s favorite song. And I would have loved to been able to sing it for him. He was supposed to come out this week but he’s been very sick, so he couldn’t make it. But I’ll have to sing it to him when I get home.