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Lea Michele is Covergirl for Women's Health


Glee's Lea Michele is the covergirl for June's issue of Women's Health and she just looks spectacular!!!

A vegan diet and 20-hour work days agree with her!

In the issue, Lea talks about everything from her family to the show to her new El Lay. Here are just a few blurps from her interview:

She isn't immune to look-perfect pressure:

“I love myself, the way I look, my body, but sometimes I can’t help but feel insecure here. It plays with your head.”

On her life in NY and LA:

“Los Angeles has been good to me. New York is who I am… It took me a long time to put together my group of friends in New York. Also, every member of my family lives within 30 minutes [of each other] there.”

Her “I made it” moment:

“I went out to dinner with my boyfriend, and Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem were leaving the restaurant as we were going in, [Penelope] was like, ‘Eez eet you? Are you dee girl I’ve been zeeing at all of dezz [Award] tings?’