Twilight star Kirsten Stewart says being photographed and falsely reported by paparazzi makes her feel she’s being raped. According to, the star told Britain’s magazine that she hates being stalked by men with cameras.
She said: "All you see is an actor or a celebrity lit up but a flash. It’s so… The photos are so… I feel like I’m looking at someone being raped. A lot of the time I can’t handle it. It’s f**ked. I never expected that this would be my life."
The star also admitted she has no career plans after completing work on The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, reports “Oddly enough I have a really clean horizon, I’m excited about the last few films I did coming out but other than that – I always have my next three things planned out so to have a clean horizon is pretty nice," she added in a behind-the-scenes interview for Flaunt magazine.